Friday, September 22, 2006


My little Chelsey decided she needed a hair, to bad the one she gave herself needed some work, after she chopped a nice chunk out of her hair I took her to Erin Lunt who does my hair and neither of us could talk ourselves into cutting it as short as she did (about 1 inch long in some places) Erin shortned it and added some layers to try to get it to blend, she seemed embaressed so hopefully she won't do it again.

It does rain in Arizona......

Getting muddy!!

Outside Mess!!!!!

For Justin's birthday his Aunt Saprena bought him an sidewalk paint set, we spent about 2 hours (using the entire bottles of paint) to paint the sidewalk, they almost ended up with as much paint on the sidewalk as they did on themselves.

Gues who's FIVE????

It doesn't even seem possible but we just celebrated Justin's 5th birsthday, and for the first time he had a "party" friends, pintia the whole shebang, it was fun, he loved every second of it. The pintia was the most fun the kids had a blast and of course every birthday boy loves to open presents.

Giving into peer pressure.....

Well everyone else has a blog and I love to look at them.. so I decided my cuties need a page so the aunts, uncles, cousin's, grandparents, and who ever else can see what's going on with my family.......just to pre warn you my spelling is awful and I'm not very consistant so who knows how often I'll put up new pictures.